The Humanist Library in Sélestat is one of the most important cultural treasures of Alsace, France. According to a traditional saying, Alsace has three great treasures: Strasbourg Cathedral, the Isenheim Altarpiece in Colmar and the Humanist Library in Sélestat. Actually, there are in fact two Renaissance humanist libraries involved, the library of the Humanist School and the private library of the famous scholar, Beatus Rhenanus (1485–1547). Your VTC driver Jimmy Roellinger accompanies you according to your request and your needs. The service can be carried out on board a sedan of 1 to 3 person any comfort and van 7 to 8 people for the groups or the large families, several vehicles can be available.

Humanist Library of Sélestat
Contact us
(+33) 6 36 36 51 35